Golden Flower in Winston-Salem and Region
Golden Flower features thoroughly trained and certified instructors, most with 12 to 20 years of experience, who continue to study with Grandmaster San Gee Tam & Master Annukka Holland.
Interested in having tai chi taught or demonstrated at your business, school or recreation, senior or health center, etc.? Please use the contact button.
Interested in a private lesson? Please use the contact button.
Grandmaster San Gee Tam, founder of Golden Flower, has over 40 years of domestic and international teaching experience in Tai Chi, Taoist meditation and healing. His Tai Chi foundation includes over 13 years of full-time individual training with Master Chu King Hung, direct lineage representative of the Yang family. He also trained for several decades with the foremost master teachers of meditation and subtle energy disciplines, including internal martial arts, Taoist yoga and Integral Healing. The name San Gee Tam was originally given to him by Baghwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho). In Hindi it means Celestial Music. Taoist master Hua-Ching Ni again bestowed the same name on him, but in Chinese it means “One Whose Life Benefits All People.” Sangee is a Mentor and teacher of the Universal Way with Master Hua Ching Ni. Raised in Winston-Salem, he lives and teaches in Westfield, NC.
It was with a huge sense of sadness that we said goodbye to our beloved teacher, friend and mentor, the head of our tai chi “family” and the founder of the Golden Flower Tai Chi School, Grandmaster San Gee Tam, who died December 25, 2020. We'll always be very grateful and privileged for all the teachings, friendship, insights and laughter. Though we miss his physical presence, his spirit will stay forever. View the in memorium announcement.
For three decades, Master Annukka Holland has worked side-by-side with San Gee Tam to co-create the Golden Flower community. Since the early 90’s, Annukka has studied all aspects of Tai Chi and Chi Gong for use in self-cultivation and physical health and balance. As Golden Flower’s co-creator and recently conferred master, Annukka has devoted her life to creating spaces for people to increase their well-being and physical health. She teaches at Heavenly Way Retreat, and conducts instructor trainings all over the world. She’s also a master gardener, natural horsemanship advocate, and the co-creator of beautiful spaces…both inside and outside.

Marti Lillich started tai chi in 1998 and has been instructing for 20 years. Currently she teaches at the W-S Shepherd Center, College Park Baptist Church, Walkertown Branch Library and a senior residential facility in Greensboro. Contact Marti directly

Jerry Hopping started tai chi 19 years ago, earning his instructor certification in 2016. A retired physician assistant, he worked from 1984-2013 in Internal Medicine/ Geriatrics at Wake Forest Baptist Health. He teaches at the W-S Shepherd Center & senior residential facilities in Winston-Salem. Contact Jerry directly.

Mark Fleming has been studying tai chi for 13 years & instructing for five. He teaches at Walkertown Branch Library, Central Library, College Park Baptist Church and the W-S Shepherd Center. Contact Mark directly